Friday, April 12, 2013

Mr. Businessman

I was going to youTube it here, as an example of the vacuous stuff we used to think was significant in the 1960's. Fun.

I couldn't stand to listen to a whole verse.  Beyond stereotype.

Ray Stevens has made a pile of money over the years, BTW.


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  4. OY! Trapped in a loop mirrors!

    One more try:

    Would Jesus Wear A Rolex? (TV evangelist w/ $10K Rolex, asking for donations.

  5. Irresistible thought: Would Jesus let a thousand bucks' worth of perfumed oil be poured on him, instead of giving the money to the poor?

    (I'm not actually sure where that thought takes us, if anywhere, but it popped into my mind.)

  6. It seems to be hard for humans to contemplate the evils of materialism without focusing on the nice things other people have that we wish they would give to us instead, or to our pet projects (because we're only thinking of the others, of course!).

    If I understand Jesus' teachings at all, which of course is often very doubtful, His problem with riches was not that we weren't giving them to the right people, but that they distracted us from the irreducible truth that we depend in every moment on bounty from God, and there is no security of any other kind. It's a lesson I've never fully been able to take in. I strive for security of all sorts.

    Nevertheless, one thing I'm pretty sure of is that it's not for me to worry about other people's possessions, not whether they're too lavish and not whether they're being shared as I would prefer. I'm falling short enough on the home front to keep my attention and efforts occupied. If other people would be better off redistributing their wealth, that's for them to work out.
