Friday, September 21, 2012

Gangnam Style

This is the current record-holder for most views on youtube. In the time that I watched it, clicked around to some related videos for a few minutes, and composed this post it added 3 million hits.

South Korean. PSY. In addition to this one at 235 million, there are others to this music with 86 million, 47 million, 18 million and lesser hits. As American culture fades and the Third World slowly becomes first, they are going to take our culture and reinvent it.

We aren't going to like it. Think how the Europeans have looked at us. That's our future.

There's an even bigger phenomenon - in numbers at least - called Girls' Generation, sort of a Koren Spice Girls thing, clearly aimed at the 12-16 y/o crowd. I think there used to be groups like this in Japan as well - groups of 10 dancer-singers.  Same switching back and forth between their own language and English; importing American iconography and styles - in this case even importing black people for effect.

I'm planning some serious posts. I think I'm ruining the mood here.


  1. I think you're overreacting. This isn't someone reaching worldwide fame by quality - this is a curiosity. This is a "have you seen this? This is ridiculous." This is just "Dragostea din tei" all over again.

  2. I think it's even narrower than that. I think the hits are mostly coming from Korean teenagers and it doesn't have much wider influence. But it will. They will imitate us as we aped the Europeans, transform it, and we will be passe. Because the Chinese and Indians are next, and the numbers will swamp us.

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