Monday, December 26, 2011

I've Got Sixpence

Don't you just know you would like these guys?

HT: cobb


  1. Assistant Village Idiot's wife1:58 PM

    Where are they from?

  2. Dan Patterson6:51 PM

    Anyone else think of the Singing Waiters scene from "A Christmas Story"?
    -No! No no no. Not 'far-ra-ra', 'Fa-la-la'! Again.
    -Far ra ra ra raaah...

  3. Dan Patterson6:52 PM

    Taking nothing by my attempt at humor from the singers' very nice rendition and very fine version. A favorite venue.

  4. I did get the impression they were singing phonetically.

    And the answer to your question is, not only would I like these guys, but I'd kiss their feet if they let me hang out with them and sing in parts. I would be happier in a world in which 100% of the population took their approach.

    Tonight our neighbors are holding their traditional New Year's Eve party, to which many people are traveling with guitars from all over the state. We'll sing for hours. People will let me sing with them, even if I take a different part, and they won't all shift over to my part and walk on it! Heaven on Earth! Every year when this chance rolls around, I feel I've suddenly woken up from a long sleep.
