Monday, November 14, 2011

Simplicity and Specialness

You know how I am about sentiment, approaching very indirectly even when it is my own. But some things really are good enough that you can dive in and embrace them, even when you know they are going to be poignant and emotional. Retriever has a new post that's got St. Francis, charity, tolerance, and special needs kids all rolled in. Not a weeper, but a slow-down-and-contemplate post. Very good for me today, who has just had it up to here with people who have needs.


  1. Thanks for the link, AVI.

  2. Gringo12:14 PM

    Very good for me today, who has just had it up to here with people who have needs.

    It takes a lot of endurance and resilience to to what you have done - not for months, but for decades. There have been and will be ups and downs.

    When you retire, only the future will foretell whether it will be on an up or on a down.

  3. Trey

    I do love the post, Thanks admin!
