Wednesday, October 05, 2011

Post 3200 - Voting

A comment I left over at Maggie's.  I haven't said it here in awhile.
PJ O'Rourke gets this one right. The purpose of elections is to vote the bastards out. Negative voting is not only an acceptable, but a preferable alternative. Don't ask yourself who you want. Ask yourself who you want to get rid of. When you think of it, that's been the American way since the Revolution. We didn't know what we were going to end up with for a government. We just knew we wanted out of the current arrangement.


  1. Gringo5:37 AM

    Yes, that worked so well when "anyone but Dubya" was the theme in 2008 for so many voters.

    It also worked very well in 1998 in Venezuela.

  2. Sam L.1:02 PM

    ...even though W wasn't running. McC wasn't W, either.
