Sunday, October 16, 2011


Never heard of it until today, Friends from our old church sent this along. They presumably know this guy. The site where you can get one of these things. Elkins, NH is near New London. I can't tell how steep this track is, but I'm guessing not very. No, there isn't snow up here yet. We did just pass peak foliage, however, and first snow usually comes soon after. Won't stay, though.


  1. I used a plastic toboggan sled for years as a youngstah. It was the sled of choice for me and my brothers. Made long runs of 3/10 of a mile or so on packed snowmobile trails. I had no problem turning and controlling the sled. Of course, I went through several pairs of leather gloves each winter as I would drag them in the snow to steer.
    Looks interesting, but not sure it's $90 worth of interesting. I reserve judgment until I've actually taken the thing for a test drive.

  2. Apparently, Dubbahdee you are a bit younger than myself, but I do appreciate reading your comment regarding my invention the Sleboggan. Believe me - a Sleboggan is worth way more than the $89.00 dollar price listed at because of the pleasure it provides to all ages. I invite you to try it at my place this winter. Mr. Sleboggan.

  3. Perhaps I am younger, but I can't really call myself young anymore.

    I love that you use the plastic toboggan sled. Those things rock! I never understood the whole runner sled thing, nor the wooden toboggan, which is absolutely uncontrollable. Fine for wide open fields in the midwest perhaps, but absolutely unsuitable for New England where you are more likely to meet trees and rocks in a definitely un-social situation.

    My preferred position was always kneeling. I found this gave me more control as well as allowing me to absorb the bumps. It is not as low a center of gravity as lying down (thus slowing things down), but I thought the trade off was worth it. Between swiveling the legs, shifting weight and dragging the hands (hence the leather gloves) we achieved pretty good steering.

    I also found lying down to be very uncomfortable due to the bumps. I do see, however that you seem to groom your trail pretty extensively, so the bumps may not be an issue. Between the groomed trail and the lying down position, I imagine you can get some real speed. Of course, lying down makes it FEEL faster -- that's always a plus. Sensing the icy crust flying by mere inches from you nose -- there's nothing like it.

    It's kind of like you are turning your plastic sled into a skeleton, the version of the luge sled that you ride headfirst. Conceptually I like the idea. I am game to go and fully expect it will be an absolute blast.

    As friends of the Kloepells (through whom I first heard of this) I'll be glad to come over and give it a whirl. As a kid we couldn't afford skiing, but my mother never stinted to make sure we were supplied with sleds and leather gloves. Sledding was my main winter sport. You can probably tell that we gave it a fair amount of thought and that it stays with me.

    I'm all for anything that gets people out of the house, on the snow and having fun!!!

  4. Duahdee:

    Just got back to finding your comment Dubbbahdee. I don't groom the run, but do follow my same path a number of times and it forms the groove. However, by just riding the toboggan without it being steered by my Sleboggan I promise you you'll be off in a snowbank by the first or second turn. With my Go Pro camera the steepness and turns are a bit deceiving. The skeleton, riders use rugby shoes and ice clits and rakes on their shoes. They drag their feet and toes for brakes and steering. The skeleton is used on a run similar to a bobsled run, which is really an iced chute with lots of turns etc., and not designed to be used by the public. The public can participate in tubbing and toboggan chutes at many areas, however, they are straight chutes and the ride is quite short. Slebogganing can be done easily in new snow, because of the design and also hardpack trails and with the steer runners on the bottom even on ice. Also by hooking a number of plastic toboggans behind me I can tow many people at one time down a Sleboggan Run. I take them under control and at what ever speed they are comfortable with. I'll be sure that Rick and Betsy get you and your family up here when the snow comes. Thanks for comments.
    Bill Herrick, President
    Mr. Sleboggan, Inc.

  5. what a fantastic find - can't wait to see what you two come up with!

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