Wednesday, June 15, 2011

I Was Wrong

I've kicked Stewart and Colbert for their style of humor as not being all that funny. I was likely unduly influenced by disagreeing with them. This routine by Jon Stewart is funny.


  1. That was a scream.

  2. Gringo12:41 AM

    Yes, it was funny. The snippets of the TV talking heads are damning. Those talking heads are STUPID. Where do they get these bozos? By hiring best looking bodies at the local beach? Do the TV stations select their talking heads like the New London Police Department. selects its policemen, by rejecting applicants who score too high?

    I see why I haven't bothered to watch TV news for years.

  3. That was hilarious! And some of those bodies were not all that good looking, so they must not have been found at the beach...

  4. My students (most of them quite liberal following their parents' leads) love Stewart & Colbert. I've tried to keep up with some of it, as I have found some clips useful in my AP Language classes, especially when teaching students the art of satire and other forms of humor. The beginning part of this Colbert clip includes some good techniques I might focus on:

    (Word Verification: bilinglo. Definition? Smiling while speaking Spanglish.)
