Thursday, May 05, 2011

New Pew

I have often linked to a 2005 Pew Research study that groups Americans politically according to factor analysis rather than direct questioning of ideology. It has been an interesting contrast to the usual red/blue/green political assignments in the media.

Now there is a new version. I have only glanced at it thus far, but expect the comparison to the 2005 version will be interesting.

Update: I should mention that I am aware of the large methodological difficulty with the Pew polls. They are telephone polls, with a low response rate. It may well be that a few of these categories have, for some reason, a high percentage of people who really like answering these things, while other categories contain those who refuse to participate at a higher level than the general population. So hold the numbers very lightly in your head while making comparisons. It is useful more as general guide to the attitudes and ideas that seem to associate with each other.

1 comment:

  1. Gringo8:04 PM

    I liked the way some of the questions were phrased.Usually I am pulling my hair out at survey questions. I was VERY annoyed at a Democratic National Committee survey circa 2005 which phrased stands on the Iraq War in terms of when we should pull out: six months versus one year etc. No choice given to "pull out when we have won."

    On the 2011 Pew Survey, there was an environmental question which was distinguished by stands on STRONGER environmental laws. As an ecofreak back in the day, and one who keeps a hot house in summer and a cold house in winter, I see the need for environmental regulation, but these days we have gone too far. Example: stopping irrigation in California's Central Valley because of concerns about a GD salamander. Example: the EPA labeling CO2 as a pollutant.

    I liked the way the question didn't frame the issue as no environmental controls versus having environmental controls.

    In the 2005 Poll, I was pegged as an Enterpriser - 9% of the population.

    This one has me as a Libertarian, also at 9% of the population.

    Coincidence? Same category, differently named?
