Wednesday, April 06, 2011

Suffering Fools

Eddie Izzard points out a difficulty with the phrase "He doesn't suffer fools gladly." Who does?

What's going on out there, then?

I've got a pig in me trousers.

Ah well, come on in then, that's fine.

Except, of course, that I am one who does suffer fools gladly. It's relatively intelligent people I'm mean to. I rather lie in wait for those, storming up the hill trying to claim the high ground. Those I kick. Maybe I expect too much of them.

I certainly don't go into the foothills looking for novices to kick. One doesn't duel with the unarmed. But I imagine that's just me rationalising and making excuses for bad behavior.

1 comment:

  1. Human life is finite. In this mortality one must have priority else risk expending all one's vital resources and life essences on the unimportant mass produced copies.

    Not everyone can be helped even if they deserve it. How lucky for us that so few actually deserve it.
