Monday, February 21, 2011

Retro Banking

On NPR, they were highlighting this cool new program in Los Angeles to teach schoolkids to save: a local bank gives them an account with $5 in it and a passbook. They also get a tour of the vault. Very good idea in this era of needing to teach children to save. I admire their originality.

Except that's what Manchester Bank did with us in the 1960's here in NH. Well - perhaps it's an even better idea now.

1 comment:

  1. Gringo6:25 PM

    Between third and fourth grade I attended an enrichment summer school, which focused on banks. I still remember the lyrics to the theme song.

    Find a bank
    And put your money in
    Make it work for you
    Let your fun begin

    It ends with:
    If you save a little every week
    You are bound to be secure


    I don't believe that Johnny Mercer was the lyricist, or that the song ever made the Top 40.
