Sunday, February 27, 2011

Fireball XL 5


  1. My parents wouldn't have a TV at home back when we lived in California, so the only time I could see this is when I visited a friend. It wasn't that I was forbidden to watch TV, but watching Fireball XL5 held a trace of excitement because it was unapproved. (Although I wasn't keen on the theme song--too much about love and not enough about adventure.)

    The show was preempted for the Kennedy funeral. My friend was mad at the government for taking away his favorite show, and not swayed when I suggested he blame Oswald instead.

    Showing my age...

  2. Yeah, the song never seemed to fit, and I noticed that even as a child. Much later, I noticed that such things happened a lot with TV shows and movies in those days. I think the idea was to try and get a hit record out of it, mutually beneficial for the popularity of each. We would call that synergy now, I suppose. So it was more important for the theme song to sound like a popular song than to fit the show all that closely.
