Saturday, December 18, 2010


The always-creative Virginia Postrel discusses the continuing fascination with princesses in an American culture where the real item has been defunct for a few centuries. With five sons, I haven't come up on this issue much, other than to hear mothers express concern about the values taught when one allows a daughter to go in this playtime direction. And all those who disdain popular culture are honor-bound to dislike Disney Princesses, just as they do Wal-Mart and McDonalds.

Don't take that as a Disney endorsement however, has I find them a bit tiring myself. They're all Spunky Gals, trading on the one cultural universal for American women. Even as far back as Snow White, which seems a bit, er, traditionally feminine stereotypical to modern eyes, the Disney version is quite an elevation in status for SW over the earlier versions. In those, she appears at the dwarves' home and becomes rather a servant. In Disney, she becomes more The Mother, clearly in charge of these knuckleheads and setting a disorderly household to rights.

They're all likeable certainly - and why not, as they are carefully designed to hit buttons both ancient and modern in our psyches. And they are Spunky Gals, after all, which I suppose is a good thing. Postrel concludes with the adaptability of the princess role - a base of specialness, independence, and aspiration which can be decorated with whatever local ornaments mothers and daughters can negotiate.


  1. A few additional points:

    1. I also find the Disney "spunky gal" to be very tiresome and annoying. I hate Ariel the worst, as she adds a level of "gimme" brattiness to the mix. Yet she is among the most enduringly popular.

    2. While I generally agree with the conclusion of the WSJ article, I have a coworker with a 4-5 year old daughter and she goes around insisting that everyone call her a Princess. He even calls her "your majesty". So some girls are exceptionally delusional.

    3. Headshrink this: when I was growing up, my older sister was kind of a prima donna, and she was manipulative too. Therefore, I always had to be either the Handsome Prince (we had no males available) or the Suffering Servant Girl.

  2. I think that happens even when the older sister isn't a prima donna. For the male equivalent, see the excellent children's book James Will Never Die.
