Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Shoe Box

They handed out shoeboxes to the kids at church last week - Samaritan's Purse, I believe. I always wonder what it means to kids. When Chris came from Romania, the next Christmas they were filling shoeboxes to send overseas from Concord Christian School. He was in 7th grade. He had surprised recognition at the custom: "Hey, we used to get those when I was at the orphanage." None of the kids knew what to say.

I thought I had remembered that they had asked him what kids liked to get in the boxes, but I now think I only fancied that, thinking that is what they should have said.


  1. Could you ask him? And post it here?

  2. I'm not sure Chris would remember, but I'll ask when he comes home at Christmas - or if he ever calls.

  3. We do those at our church.

  4. I remember what I used to see in Liberia, so when our family packs those I try to put in, along with school supplies, needle-nose pliers and some wire for a boy, or needles and thread for a girl. Make it easier for them to make their own things...
