Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Push Poll

The newspapers on sale in the lobby had something about the GOP complaining about a push poll. I followed up the article online. They are talking about something more clearly over the line than my own experience. However, as I received two more calls last night, similar to the first, I wondered if I should be reporting them to the media, even if the AG's office might be a stretch.

Then it hit me. I am the media. So I'm reporting it. One of the polls was clearly designed, after a lot of "Very Favorable - Very Unfavorable" questions, to work in some plugs for Carol Shea-Porter. The other, much more tedious and extreme in its statements, was...well, I don't know what the hell they were trying to do. There'd be a one-sided rant against Shea-Prter, then they asked me if I agreed with that, yes or no. Then there was a one-sided rant against Guinta, and they asked if I agreed with that. Then they told me a long list of nice things about Shea-Porter, then a somewhat shorter list about Guinta. They had worked the libertarian candidate into the preliminary questions, so maybe there was some connection there. It seemed to be a psychology experiment to see how long I would listen to people from out-of-state (they stumbled over the names and place names) rant about NH candidates. Answer: much too long, but I eventually cut it off telling them it was a push poll.

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