Saturday, July 10, 2010

Rethinking Bernadette

I never made a ranked list as a lad, but if I had, Bernadette Peters would have been somewhere up near the top. Neo-neocon mentioned today how good she looks for 61 years old

Hard to disagree. So I went looking for a good early photo or video of Ms. Peters to provide evidence, in case any was needed, of my good eye at the time. There were clips from The Muppet Show and stills from Silent Movie, all quite uh, remarkable. I happened across an early clip from "Love, American Style" that predated my first notice of her in 1976, so I thought that might be an interesting nostalgia post. It was surprisingly uncomfortable to watch.

Then I found this, from that wonderful piece of Americana "What's My Line?"

I'm rethinking this whole thing now.


  1. She was terrific in "Impromptu," the movie about Frederic Chopin and Georges Sand.

  2. Ymarsakar8:12 AM

    Get that gene bottled and marketed.
