Sunday, June 20, 2010

She Ain't Heavy, She's My Dachshund

Pippin's back legs weren't working when I got up in the middle of the night, and by moring this was no better. So I went off to the doggie ER, holding her above the fray of the other dogs. Nice, friendly dogs, curious about that interesting new little guy who had just come in. But Pippin is an irritable, paranoid dog and doesn't welcome visitors.

Even a small dog can get heavy after two hours. Yet, we do what must be done.

We haven't had to put her down yet, but it may come if she doesn't improve by tomorrow. The vet started talking about a neurologist, MRI's, possible surgery if the anti-inflammatory doesn't fix things up. I waved him off. It's a dog, and dogs don't have the same questions of mortality and future prospects that humans do. They only know how they feel this minute. You can't tell them that "it will be better soon." That's meeting the master's need, not the dog's.

All of the other people in the waiting room had at least two other animals, but no children.


  1. Poor pooch, and poor you. Although we have the exact same philosophy about high tech medicine for suffering animals, my heart aches for you so worried about your dog. I hope and pray that he either has a miraculous recovery WITHOUT expensive and painful veterinary intervention, or that he can die in his sleep in your arms.

    Our golden nearly died several times and the first time it turned out he had a simple thyroid problem which could be easily and cheaply treated with pills that made him literally recover completely. The second time, it was Lyme disease, again quickly treated with (relatively cheap) pills. But thereafter, we got into the ghastly tumors and vets pressing ever more invasive procedures. In the end we took him home for the three months max the vet said he had without treatment. He was not in pain. He lived 15 months more, and one day he came running for miles with his doggy friends at the beach. That night he was kind of tired and didn't try to steal food from the kitchen. The next day he couldn't get off his bed, and when we took him in, we knew it was the end.

    Post us a picture!

    I can't possibly imagine why a gentle, mild=mannered, mellow person such as yourself would have a cranky paranoid dog....(ahem...)


    So sorry she's hurting, and you with her.

  2. Sorry, meant "she" in the first paragraph (my glasses aren't here yet and everything's a blur until Costco calls that they are done).

  3. I am going through the very same thing with my dog, Buddy. He has cancer and they have sent me home with medicine to keep him comfortable. They claim he has about a year left.

    The medicine keeps him reasonably comfortable. He does have occasional pain.

    I pray he will die on his own so I do not have to make the decision. Friends tell me I will know when it is time.

    With an "empty nest", my dogs truly make this place a home.

  4. Being a Lewis fan boy, you must know this quote:

    “We treat our dogs as if they were 'almost human': that is why they really become 'almost human' in the end.”

    And it is true. I couldn't prove it but I think an unspoken telepathy develops between people and their dogs, especially those we have for several years.

    When we first got our shelter dog about 5 years ago, the thought of spending thousands on a dog was unthinkable. Now...I don't think I could be quite so objective.

    They become a part of us. During the times when I have been home and the dog hasn't been there, because she's with the rest of the family or some other thing...there is this strange sensation that something isn't quite right. The absense of her presence at my feet when I sit, or trailing after me as I move through the house, is a palpable thing.

    I hope that the vet finds a relatively easy to treat reason for Pippin's problems....for her sake and for yours.

  5. Poor Pippin. I hope she feels better soon. I know what it's like to hold a dog as they are put to sleep, I pray that doesn't come soon for you.

    I have a cat slowly dying of kidney failure. He gets fluids three ties a week and that is keeping him going, but he isn't really happy about, I'm not happy about it, and yet he isn't really sick enough yet to justify (in my mind anyway) putting him to sleep. No good choices.
