Monday, March 15, 2010

GK Chesterton: The Apostle of Common Sense

According to Todd Zywicki over at Volokh, there has been a TV series on Chesterton the last five years, now in reruns. Not having a TV, I hadn't heard a whisper of it. Have any of you run across it? ELC, is seems to be your sort of thing.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. [Sorry, I hit publish when I didn't mean to do that.]

    Ha. I have been meaning to click on that link at Volokh, but I didn't get around to it. :)

    Sorry, I can't tell you much about it. I knew about the EWTN series from the start, but I haven't watched more than a couple of minutes of any episode. Dale Alsop, the host, is grand poobah of some Chestertonian society (in Canada maybe?).

    Honestly, the thing that turned me off to the whole project was this: they have somebody impersonating GKC (or at least they did at the beginning of the series) for a few minutes at a time, saying things from his writings as if he himself were saying them, and the portrayer just doesn't match up well enough with my own mental image of Chesterton. Superficial and hasty, I know....

  3. The only EWTN series I have watched with any regularity is The Journey Home, a weekly show interviewing converts to the Catholic Church, being one myself.
