Wednesday, December 16, 2009


It has been a month, and I haven't missed posting as much as I thought I would. I was actually thinking today of a post about politicians, and the ability of human beings to rationalise. I sometimes think of topics I could post about, but none I feel driven to post about.

I thank you for your generous sentiments, but am not sure I am providing much that one could not find in a dozen other places. I have had some mildly original thoughts on things, and I do understand that a blogger whose collection of usual topics fits one's style is more congenial. I have certainly not ceased in anger or because of any tragedy.

I will at a minimum post the yearly Christmas letter.


  1. Sam L.10:55 AM

    And we thank you for it, in advance.

  2. The wonderful thing about getting it here was that I didn't have to go to a dozen other places.

    I think you are underestimating your abilities!

    However, I've no intention of being your Annie Wilkes :-)

    wv: unsin. If only...

  3. Christmas blessings to you and yours. And always glad to read your posts. Not least because your intelligent comments on what you are reading and relating it to current events inspire me to read more! Also, plenty of other people write about the same stuff, but your sweeping statements (YAY!) and the variety of disciplines you draw upon are rare. But you already know that I am a loyal fan...

  4. Anonymous10:47 AM

    ...and the World (well, OK, some of it) awaits.

    You have a wide variety of very clever (not cunning) things to say and very many appreciate that you do.

  5. I'm just going to miss Copithorne :(

  6. bellisaurius4:21 AM

    To be fair, you may not provide different material, but you do provide it with much better taste and decorum, and that can be a bit of a rarity in the blogosphere.
