Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Mustang Sally

Samantha gave back the ring to John-Adrian a few months ago. We worried about her. We adore the girl, and are sorry she won't be a daughter-in-law. J-A made noises about enlisting in the Air Force - still might. We saw that as the modern version of running off to join the French Foreign Legion. But Samantha was still in school, starting a new job, living with her parents. The nice, boring things you like in a daughter-in-law, but not so much fun sounding for a pretty young girl.

We read today on Facebook that she's bought a Mustang convertible. Looks like the girl's recovered some. That suggested this song. You younger folks want to be properly retro? Forget Woodstock. Put yourself in this scene, as white kids are first discovering black music and going to concerts that are nothing like the school assemblies they're used to.


  1. Aw, c'mon. Most of us white kids discovered black music well before this song. It is a good one, though.

  2. Great song.

    We are only just beginning the stage of trying to be supportive without meddling in children's relationships...the friendships over the years have been okay except that kids are surprised when their friends think we are chill ("how can they think that about you old fogeys!!") But the love interest...there's one I adore and have to bite my tongue to keep from saying "When you have been married to X as long as your Dad and I have been..." I try to stay out of it, as, if I say I like the person, will probably put the kid off them....Contrary kids...

  3. akafred7:15 AM

    White Soul - The Young Rascals version of this song is the best, even if they hailed from Long Island. They played an open-air concert at U. of Miami my freshman year. Still memorable.

  4. Retriever -- you know only the beginning! LOL... after they are married, staying out of their relationships becomes even more required... especially when it's your child you think might be wrong or over-reacting.

    Plus, you have deal with their in-laws staying out of the relationship too. Or not.

  5. And the version I remember best, oddly enough, is in the movie The Commitments.
