Thursday, July 02, 2009


Instapundit linked today to a Randian article on separation of economy and state.

I'm not providing the link. Don't go there today. Just let that phrase run around in your mind for awhile.


  1. Sounds like a darned fine idea.

    Seems like I'm on record ar saying something like that.

    In the 1970's.

  2. That sounds wonderful.

    Here's another idea to savor: a Congress that is hardly ever in session.

    This is an official compilation of the Congressional sessions:

    Congressional Directory: Statistical Information

    Have a look at, for instance, the time of the Civil War, numbered Page 519. See, in 1861, the year the war began, Congress was not in session from August 7th all the way through December 1st. (It wouldn't have been in session from March 29th through December 1st had not Lincoln called an extraordinary session in the summer to deal with the war.) And see, in 1865, the year the war ended, Congress was not in session from March 12th all the way through December 3rd.

    Congress not in session for months at a time. Doesn't that sound wonderful?

    And... if they could have it that way during critical years of the Civil War, why can't we have it that way now?

  3. "There are two passions which have a powerful influence in the affairs of men. These are ambition and avarice--the love of power and the love of money. Separately, each of these has great force in prompting men to action; but, when united in view of the same object, they have, in many minds, the most violent effects."

    --Benjamin Franklin

  4. About a decade ago, I saw a book with the title Separation of School and State.

    I do not know if that goal is a worthy one, but the separation of economy and state looks worthy.

  5. I momentarily misread karrde's comment as "Separation of Soul and State".


  6. "Separation of Soul and State"

    For those that have sold their souls thusly, that is a really good idea -- would benefit us all, including the ones who have not.
