Saturday, June 06, 2009

Sidebar Update

Updating one's sidebar is a bit tedious, but has been worthwhile for me. Following back into my commenters' blogs, I discovered that not only does Retriever have her own site, but ELC and james have excellent sites as well, The View From The Core and I Don't Know, But.

Gringo, TomG, Boethius, DonnaB, and nash do not appear to have sites. Karrde has two, and I chose to link to his group blog, Grim's Hall. Lot's of new reading for me to do.

jlbussey's site is not a blog but her photography site, so I put Cascade Exposures under "Simply - and Oddly - Beautiful"

I added First Things, Steve Sailer, and Volokh Conspiracy to various categories, and moved some things around.

Let me know what I missed.


  1. [ahem...] I haven't wandered over to the Hall in some time, and my other blog has been abandoned for better (virtual) quarters...

    But thanks.

    I should do some sidebar-work myself.

  2. Wow, thanks! I'll have to check out the other blogs you mention. I never seem to have enough time to devote to reading all of the sites that I'd like to though...

  3. I do have a blog.

    Not the most intelligent or insightful in the world. Somehow I seem to express myself better in comments.

    Perhaps I should copy some of my comments as posts there.

  4. Donna B, done.

    In my first year of blogging especially, I thought I was a better commenter than poster. Now it's about even.

  5. Thank you very much, AVI. I'm honored.

    The blog has been mostly poetry this year. I used to write a lot more myself and post more frequently with wider variety; but, after a few years, I got to thinking that I'd already said everything I'd wanted to say about current events and issues. (The faces and places change often, but the ideas in play don't change very much at all.) There are so many blogs that follow the issues and events of the day, I decided that I might actually make a more valuable contribution if most of my blogging were less timely and topical. As C.S. Lewis said somewhere, the more up-to-date something is, the sooner it's out of date.

    Doing so is indeed tedious, and I haven't substantially altered my blogroll in years. I suppose it's way overdue.... :)

    Thanks again.

  6. Thank you for the vote of confidence. I need to update my sidebar too...
