Monday, June 22, 2009


I have grown tired of radio PSA's telling me about diabetes, seat belts, hypertension, watching for children, and non-discrimination. All are worthy causes. So what?


  1. Gringo8:36 PM

    Here is a PSA I always liked, courtesy of Vaughn Meader and the First Family.It begins at around 7:25 of the video.

    “This is a Public Service Announcement. Election time is near.Go to the polls and vote. Vote for the Kennedy of your choice, but vote.”

    Definitely not as nasty as Mr. Letterman.Our current humorists have forgotten that we can have a laugh without humiliating someone.

    I had thought I had remembered that Nixon, with his obvious intellect, had been immune to the "Dumb Republican" meme that is at least as old as Adlai, but there is a crack here about the "Richard Nixon Dumbwaiter." But since this album pokes ample fun at the Kennedys,it is a wash. But since I voted for George, not for Tricky, what should I care?

  2. > I have grown tired of radio PSA's telling me about diabetes, seat belts, hypertension, watching for children, and non-discrimination. All are worthy causes. So what?

    So turn off the frickin' radio and put on a CD.


  3. > But since I voted for George, not for Tricky, what should I care?

    I was not then eligible to vote, but I am happy to say that, had I been able to, I would not have made that error.
