Wednesday, June 03, 2009

Line Of The Week.

Kyle told a story about school. He is one of those 7th-graders who find practical jokes uproariously funny. He needs to tell us about each one that occurs within his ken each day.

He has learned that we are less moved to peals of laughter about chair-pulling and lunch-ruining than he is. He interrupted his own story while setting the table tonight to say "I can hear you rolling your eyes."

Yes, exactly. Smart lad.


  1. See, you have already ruined his fun for the rest of his life....mwuuahhah! Child has internalized values and standards of parental/teaching/caregiving/mentor units....

  2. Gringo12:17 PM

    There will always be a Generation Gap. In progressing from 12 to 40,we change.

  3. I am hearing horror stories coming out of the middle school. A destroyed lunch or pulled chair, though wrong and wrought with potential injury, seems ever so minor in comparison.

  4. true. Is kyle at mvms? poor kid is surrounded by chaos from what I hear.
