Friday, March 27, 2009


Mickey Kaus has leaked a journolist thread (that heretofore anonymous group of 300 liberal journalists which has excited so much comment in the last week). It includes comments from such liberal notables as Jonathan Chait, Matthew Yglesias, Nation editor Chris Hayes, American Prospect's Matt Duss, Eric Alterman, Katha Pollit - an all-star progressive journalism team, thinking they were off-the-record. This is not a parody. It's from Slate, not The Onion.

Well, no wonder they believe that conservatives are seething masses of hate under the skin. It's projection.

This is their cream of the crop.

JorgXMcKie, commenting at Moe Lane's blog, wins the thread.
The whole thread reads like the HS chess club bitching about the jocks and attempting to re-assert their own values by staging a Star Wars trivia contest.
We have all run across such comments in online discussions, of course. The internet is full of them. You can find equally hateful and idiotic things written by conservatives in the threads at oh, Little Green Footballs or Daily Pundit. Here's the difference: they aren't the authors of the essays, and they aren't the drivers of the discussions. They are a sideshow.

1 comment:

  1. Well, no wonder they believe that conservatives are seething masses of hate under the skin. It's projection. I think that's right on. And it sure makes you think A WHOLE LOT about everything the Left said about the George W. Bush administration, no?
