Saturday, February 21, 2009

Diversity Pledge

Volokh has commentary on UVA Law's Diversity Pledge, which students are encouraged to sign.


How long before that becomes encouraged? When that day comes, how is this different from a 1950's loyalty oath?


  1. Anonymous1:02 PM

    I believe the third "encouraged" in your post, the one italicized, is supposed to be some other word.

  2. No, but I see why you would think so. I was looking for some more sarcastic or ironic version of the same word. I considered capitalising it or putting it in parentheses, but settled on italics. It is meant to indicate that the encouragement is actually a growing sense of pressure.

  3. Anonymous10:30 PM

    I see.

  4. For some reason this reminds me of the weekly seminars in the physics department when I was an undergraduate. We were informed that freshman were invited, sophomores were encouraged, juniors were urged, and seniors were required to attend.

    I wonder whether this pledge will show a similar progression.
