Friday, February 06, 2009

Blog Parody - An Idea Whose Time Has Come

PJ O’Rourke once wrote “I always thought that if I ever wound up teaching a creative writing class, that's what I would have the kids do. I would have them do nothing but parodies for a semester, because in order to do a parody you have to understand how the writing is done." (full interview in Cigar Aficianado magazine here). A college writing course similarly taught me – no, actually I don’t know where the hell I heard this – that you could discern a writer’s style by attempting to parody it.

I am now parodying other people’s blogs – all of yours, mostly - in my mind. It’s a hoot. It reveals to me what an enormous cruel streak I have. While all of you would like the notoriety, I think it might send you into extended depression.


  1. Anonymous11:27 PM

    Why not come up with some Nancy Pelosi lines?

  2. Come on, ya gotta post them!

  3. I think I could take it.

    My word verification is "sporks." Victory!

  4. You're right.

    I probably would crumble into a floppy, gooey mess of tears and mascara...never to recover again.

    I would try to parody you in return...but that would take too much effort, precision, and youtube songs from the 60's...with an odd ABBA photo thrown into the mix.

    it's a good thing I'm such an apathetic blogger
