Friday, November 28, 2008

Classical Values

M. Simon from Classical Values has dropped over to comment four times on a post here that has dropped off the front page, Everything and Nothing. He very strongly takes the libertarian side of the socon/libertarian argument, and some readers might find him interesting.

As background, I used to comment frequently at Classical Values until a few weeks ago. I believed my points were neither understood nor addressed, so I shifted that online time over to Tigerhawk.


  1. I actually agree with many of M. Simon's points, especially on the legalization of drugs.

    I also agree that no religion should attempt to infiltrate itself into the secular life of a nation through law and government. My reason for this is that the government will probably survive, but the religion will become corrupt and spiritually meaningless.

    Back in the 70s, I became disgusted with televangelists because they offended me by making such a public display of piety and religion, always coupling it with requests for money.

    On the other hand, I have no problem with the Jehovah's witnesses who often come to my door. They are well-dressed, respectful and never ask anything more than that I give their views and their church a chance.

    I love the pageantry and quiet joyfulness of a Catholic mass and I appreciate that the pragmatic "we must have money to operate" is not part of the worship service.

    Just as Anita Bryant became so shrill, she became the message. She got her law, now deemed both illegal and possibly harmful to children, M. Simon is beginning to screech. I don't like screeching from either side.

    I miss your comments at Classical Values. There are a lot of us quite moderate people who are put off by excessive religiousity or whatever it's called. Perhaps it doesn't matter because we're just as offended by excessive anything.

  2. My contention would be that excessive religiosity certainly exists, but is exaggerated by those who are oversensitive on the issue for reasons of their own.

    As to such things as medical marijuana, it is a stupid idea and medically overrated, but people should be able to legalize it if they want to. I agree that we get little bang for our buck in the drug war. That does not necessitate the opposite pole of blanket legalization. Because libertarians try to be logically consistent - a good thing - they fall prey to overlooking practical problems that result from their oversimplifications. Unintended Consequences attend government actions, which is why liberalism never works out in practice as it does on paper. The same UC law applies to libertarians, but they turn their heads.

  3. AVI:

    Nice job showing the subjectivity of Simon M.'s arguments. They definitely are extremes based on little evidence.
