Thursday, November 27, 2008

Cheetah Girls

My brother the lighting designer tells me there's a big deal with mother-daughter shopping and dressing up for Cheetah Girls performances. They're the newish Disney thing for preteen girls, apparently. I mentioned them at work to a friend who has a young daughter. He winced visibly, nodding that his young one had indeed become interested and was trying to get his wife to take her to a concert. I had never heard of them; it's feline-themed costuming thing. I am not particularly attracted to that leopard leotard, tight tiger spandex sort of thing. But as an older husband I felt obliged to point out to him that anytime you find something where your wife feels obligated to dress up sleazy, you have to get behind that on general principle.


  1. Anonymous6:13 PM

    "[A]nytime you find something where your wife feels obligated to dress up sleazy, you have to get behind that on general principle."

    I disagree. Times when the wife's behavior aids and abets the daughter's wish to "dress up sleazy" are off limits. An even greater general principle governs here.

    Disney's princesses ("crack for girls" says James Lileks) is bad enough; the big-D marketeers have graduated to selling candy-coated Pussycat Girls type sleaze as something acceptable for children. It's wrong, wrong, wrong and an abdication of ones fatherhood to fail to rescue the household females from such temptation.

  2. Yeah, I imagine you're right. Those of us who don't actually have daughters tend to forget that side of things.

  3. Anonymous4:29 PM

    Oh yeah for God's sake the next worst people to expose your daughters to are Disney people.
    And that sounds sarcastic but it's not.
    Disney girls:
    Britney Spears
    Christina Aguilera
    Lindsay Lohan
    Vanessa Hudgins
    Miley Cyrus

    ...any one of which is sufficient to lead your daughter down te golden path to perdition.

    Miley Cyrus being the only one you can't find nude on the internet but that's only 'cuz she's still a minor and the stuff of hers that IS out there is ultra-slutty

    Disney is a trojan horse on the doorstep of your home
