Saturday, October 11, 2008


Should I add it to my blog? Is that selling out to The Man or something?


  1. I've been wondering too. Let me know what you hear.

  2. If you put obtrusive adds (including, but not limited to any popup, popunder, jiggle, blink, or move.) I'll block them or stop reading your stuff, depending on variables I'll not discuss.

  3. Anonymous5:35 PM

    I like your visually quiet blog, but I could cope with ads. It's nice to make money. But I agree with Larry: moving or blinking ads drive me nuts.

  4. Before you decide whether or not to sell out, you must answer the more important question -- Who is "the Man"?

    Once you know that question, your first question is easy.

  5. lelia won me with her "visually quiet" comment.

    I'll still do the occasional video though.

  6. Go Leila!

    (I understand ads and the need to pay the bills--that is why I am willing to tolerate them as long as they are not abusive.

    I often "click" on the ones for books that look interesting.

  7. Anonymous5:52 AM

    Go right ahead. Them as don't like popups should find ways to deal with them. Hint hint: FF.

  8. I think you can set AdSense to only send you text ads or something.

    From a previous blogging experiment, I made more money linking Amazon books I liked and had read.

  9. Anonymous10:09 AM

    Bubbahdee, who asks "Who is 'the Man,'" obviously needs to watch School of Rock.

  10. Before I retooled the blog I added Adsense for a little bit. It made absolutely no difference monetarily - they put the ads on my blog, some people clicked on them, but they never contacted me in any way or made any move to send me any money. Possibly a higher-traffic blog would cross over some line and create income, but I would doubt it. Unless you're receiving several thousand hits a day, I would doubt it would make any financial difference.
