Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Apple. Tree.

One of the Assistant Village Idiot's rules for working in mental health, and probably for life in general is "Never be so arrogant as to say that you have seen it all. God will punish you for this the next morning by sending you something you have never seen. And you will have deserved it."

Today's reminder was the family which came to visit who informed me that their son had been fine until the government implanted that chip in his head. Something in me deflates at such things, and I say to myself: not much I can contribute that will be helpful, is there?

There was a NH event which got some national attention over the last 6-9 months, which these people, mother and son, were connected with. I won't specify the event, but suffice it say that when a person who feels he is a victim of a Zionist Illuminati conspiracy finds your family too crazy and kicks you out, you are too flipping crazy.

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