Sunday, June 10, 2007

Jeri Thompson

Joe Scarborough at MSNBC asks whether Fred Thompson's wife Jeri "works the pole." This leads to the immediate question "Why does Joe Scarborough still have a job when Don Imus doesn't?"


  1. I don't watch television except when I have been forced to get on a commercial airplane and need to know hat gate is involved, so I have no first-hand information, but ...

    Is there a remote chance that he said she works the polls--a recent political phenom that replaced the discussion of issues and positions some years ago?

  2. Apparently not, though I did check to make sure on that. Good pickup.

  3. Check NRO's Corner- apparently the segment before was talking about keeping in shape by poledancing, and he made a lame joke based on that. Still stupid, but not as insulting.

  4. That is a notch or two better. I doubt he would have said it about Mrs. Edwards or Mrs. Clinton, however.

  5. Well of course not. Jeri's hot, they're not. Now maybe Mrs. Kucinich....

  6. That's true. That would be the fair measure of comparison.
