Tuesday, March 13, 2007


My second son mentioned on our drive down to Houston, that a lot of college kids say they listen to all kinds of music, "but you really do." Knowing how he feels about many of my music choices, I took this as about 75% complimentary. It seems a mark of honor, and a great irony. When I was younger and was trying to be unique, I chose music that a significant minority of other people did. Now that I listen to what catches my fancy, I turn out to be different without trying.

I thought of this today when Norwegian Folk Dances finished up on the car CD, and I replaced it with Johnny Winter. I'm not sure I should even mention what else is in the current pile. The combinations strike even me as the product of a fevered mind which has no coherence. Each individual choice is not that unusual. No really, it isn't. It's just that together they're unsettling.


  1. You think you're bad...have you ever really looked through akafred's collection? It's unsettling to say the least.
