Thursday, March 22, 2007


John Edwards' wife has "boney mets," a very bad cancer sign, though not as bad as that would have been even five years ago. While I have not been a fan of Edwards' politics, I don't wish that fear on any man, and certainly not the greater anxiety she must feel. Their children are not grown. Money and power are not proof against the great fears, only the minor ones.


  1. I would love, just once, for a politician in this situation to say, "Nothing is more important to me than to support my wife at this time. Therefore, I will suspend my run for the presidency."

    It's not going to happen, I know. If they could do that, they wouldn't run. But my gut feeling is that she is not going to recover from this one. And thanks for the link to the Solzhenitisyn speech. It's really good.

  2. Prayer doesn't trump biology. One is real, the other wishful thinking. Not knowing the difference is ignorance.

  3. Mark, I think you're confusing what you think the effect of prayer is with the action of praying. Prayer and Biology are both real things. If I understand you, you're stating that a grim biological prognosis disproves the idea that prayer might change that. That seems a stretch.

  4. Gee, mark, what a novel idea! I'm sure no one has ever thought of that before or seriously engaged the question.
