Saturday, March 24, 2007

Jokes I'm Tired Of

Feel free to add your own. This may become a regular feature.

People who say "See you next year" every December 31st. At least none of us will ever have to endure "See you next century - no, see you next millennium" ever again.

I am tired of people pronouncing Target as "tarjhay." It was cute when I first heard it fifteen years ago.


  1. Calling a Ford Explorer an Exploder.

  2. Anonymous8:36 AM

    40 years ago J.C.Penny's was J.C.PenNay's. Like you said... tiresome after hundreds of repititions.

    Similarly, when I give my last name I frequently get "Oh, you mean like Mr. Roper in Three's Company?" I usually say something like "That was funny the first 2,000,000 times I heard it."

  3. Yeah, our Romanian sons were sick of "Why, man?" within a year of arrival in the States.

  4. To throw in the vegetarian perspective: "If God didn't want us to eat animals, then why did he make them out of meat?"

    I don't know why, but people who say that always seem to think that they're really REALLY clever.

  5. (At least) one of my sons is sick of (at least one of) my favorites. It's difficult to be my son, because I originate one-liners, so I know who has heard them and who hasn't, and entertain the troops.

    The sons, who are overhearing this for the 344th time, are less enchanted.

  6. One's going over the wall, warden!

    At least you've stopped doing "Father Slays Three in Bizarre Ludfisk Incident."

    And you know it's only a year or two before I end up starting doing them myself, probably.

  7. Actually, I teach that second one to young parents all the time. I used it just yesterday. Ouch.
