Monday, March 26, 2007

Bracket Scoring Reality Check

I am running a very respectable 89 points in my bracket. But if someone picked the eventual winner and runner up, and no other games correctly that person would have 94 points: 32 for the championship, plus 31 points for all the champion's wins up to the final, plus 31 for the runner-up's wins up to the final (16 + 8 + 4...). You could coin flip the rest and win most office pools.

Nothing beats picking the final winner - all else is illusion. I have three of the final four, but don't have the one team I now think will win, Florida.


  1. My pool is set up so it is one point for the first, two for the second, three for the third and so on. Not standard yes, and perhaps too much a focus on the details than that one final product as you posted earlier... I like it, it helps me remember I need to sweat the small stuff.

  2. I like your way better. It's a better measure of the ability to pick games, with less luck involved. By my method, if your top pick loses by 1 point in double-overtime, that's still 32 points you don't get, even though you may have picked brilliantly to that point.

  3. Well, who do you have winning the Ohio State - Georgetown game? I honestly think that Oden may be unstoppable at this point. Still, I'm with you - I feel pretty strongly about Florida beating UCLA.

  4. God is in the details. :-)
