Friday, January 26, 2007


The temp just hit zero for the first time this winter. It's also windy. Wind-chill 22 below.

It keeps the riffraff out, though.


  1. Or it keeps the riffraff in, as it were...

  2. You all are nuts six months out of the year. The other six months out of the year we're the ones that are crazy.

  3. Anonymous10:15 PM

    This is cold??? 20 below without windchill...then you're verging on "cold".

    (Just so you know--I live in Montana)

  4. Yes, you have to go 60 miles north of here, through Franconia Notch, before you hit Deep Cold. Minnesota, North Dakota, etc tend to have more bitterness. I have heard that our moister air makes it worse, but I wouldn't know myself. And that wind out on the prairie has to count for something.

  5. Yep, I wouldn't want to live in North Dakota, or upper Michigan for that matter. Those are truly hardy people. Nothin' between you and the Artic Circle except the occasional caribou...

    ...and they don't make for much of a windbreak.

  6. It's cold here too!

    Yesterday only got up to 63 degrees! ;-)

  7. Anonymous9:42 AM

    AVI, Just so you know..I read what you write and recommend it to others. You have lots to say AND you say it very well.

    So, this isn't about the Cold, but about your very many truly superior columns. Keep at it. You are an inspiration and cause many to think...or so I hope.

  8. Thanks, tad. Of course, that means I'm fresh out of ideas at the moment. I could make the same complaints that other people are about "Let's Chat" or examples of MSM misreporting, but it hardly seems worth it.

  9. I hoped to hop on here and join a lively debate since there were 8 comments, but I guess since most of them were just reporting the weather, I'll either have to come up with something clever and take this post in an exciting new direction, or play the intellectual layabout and just give the weather report from here instead.

    It's fifty-two and sunny. With a high of 58 tomorrow. Ho-hum.

  10. Anonymous10:35 PM

    Here in flyover country it has hit negative numbers a couple of times so far, and we're still a few days short of mid-winter. El Nino is supposed to give the Upper Mississippi Valley moderate weather, but that's not something you can take to the bank.
