Monday, November 27, 2006

CIA Personality Quiz

For those of you who like to take multiple-choice personality tests, this one is by the CIA, which has a disconcertingly hip website.

BTW, I am a Thoughtful Observer


  1. Anonymous2:15 PM led me astray. It was the oldest trick in the book. I was going to leave you a comment about how giving the CIA even more information was going to prove your downfall and how all the glitz and glamour of the website was covering up a fact finding mission hooked to your IP address and how it would be used to get you up against the wall quickly once the revolution came...then I decided to take the test instead. AND GUESS WHAT WAS ON THE LAST PAGE WITH MY RESULTS (note: if you are not the AVI, or Jonathan, this will be meaningless). That's right: A PICTURE OF A CURLED UP RACCOON. I'm absolutely serious. Well, all I could do was jump back from my computer, then shriek ERNESTO!!!! as I picked up my laptop and hurled it out the window. I made that all up. Except for the part about the raccoon being on the last page. Point is, IT'S A TRAP. Repeat: IT'S A TRAP DON'T DO IT.

    I'm an innovative pioneer, btw.

  2. Apparently we finally have our answer how all those dead raccoons moved/were moved.

    As is usual in these spy thrillers, the answers only lead to more questions...

  3. I'm also a Thoughtful Observor.

  4. Anonymous5:33 PM

    But AVI, how long will they let us live now that we know the answer to the first question? Will we be allowed to live like a cat toys with a mouse? Or should I be looking over my shoulder? Where's Enlightenment when I need him??? He always knows what to do...

  5. Anonymous5:39 PM

    I am a curious adventurer! All I got was question marks. No raccoons for me!

  6. AVI...yes..that is disconcertingly hip! Maybe less time spent on web development and more time finding those WMD's would have helped us out a little.

    BTW...I must say that the CIA is the only organization that has recognized my true potential. IMPRESSIVE MASTERMIND is truly a label I have never been given but have secretly coveted all my life. Maybe now I will start my plans for global domination!(Bwahahahaaa!)

  7. Hmmm...I am a Curious Adventurer.

    How wanting to be left alone to sunbathe on my private yacht (now go away, you're blocking my sun!) is adventure is beyond me. And where would the CIA come up with the funds for private yachts for their employees? Let alone the funds for invisibility research or super-power flight. OK, maybe they could get super-power stuff funded by congress, they have sold ranker snake-oil in the past....

    Don't tell my wife about the adventure part, she'll start teasing me about not liking camping.

  8. Camping was an important bonding experience for the family when the boys were younger. We faced trials and tribulations together, had to make do, had to to watch Dad in the rain wounding himself.

    We've bonded. Cabin camping is as far as I go now.
