Thursday, August 03, 2006

Marquis de Custine

Marquis de Custine noted that to the spy, everyone else seems to be a spy, too. The whole of mankind must seems to be either trapping you or falling into your trap.

I would expand this idea, that to the tyrant, all relationships mean control or be controlled; to the thief, all interactions are an attempt to rip you off.

Applying the principle in reverse, what does it mean when people always interpret the actions of others in terms of political advantage?


  1. Anonymous10:14 PM

    I misread your title as "Marquis de Cuisine" and thought you were linking to a clever new blog, and then spent too many seconds trying to figure out what the clever connection between cuisine and spying might be . . .

    Some days I'm just a leeetle bit more on the ball than others.

  2. This is the reason that lying is considered a sin. It's not just that you deceive others; it's that it renders you unable to trust others.

  3. This is why I loooooove to read this blog, because AVI is always making others "THINK"

    I always learn new things here and in many ways learn to think about alot of subjects from different angles!

  4. Anonymous6:14 PM

    In my darker moments, I imagine that everyone I know or have met finds me personally repulsive and contemptible. What does that say about my perception of them?

  5. I suppose it means that in your darker moments you find mankind repulsive. Well don't we all?
