Monday, August 14, 2006

And Another Thing...

Where do all these divorced people who work in human services – therapists, social workers, psychiatrists, psychologists – get the idea that negotiation is going to work in the Middle East? You can reason with Nasrallah but sometimes you just have to just stop negotiating with the father of your children?

You gotta love this reasoning. Colleges have to be forced to have diversity, states have to be forced to grant certain rights, insurance companies have to be forced to grant some types of coverage, corporations, hospitals, clubs… but you can negotiate with Hezbollah.


  1. To me, it is far more strange, irrational, dangerous and inconsistent with the most cursory knowledge of history to believe that war will solve the problems in the Middle East.

  2. I think the Nazis, the Japanese imperialists and communists were all very wrong to believe they could solve their problems through war.

    If you are familiar with their history, there is no reason to believe we can solve our problems through war either.

  3. So copithorn, why aren't you in the Middle East right now saying this to Hezbollah and the leaders of Iran and Syria? They're the ones that want this war and are taking every possible action to promote/continue/expand it. Tell them.

  4. I believe the original quote was "War is always a failure of diplomacy."

