Monday, May 01, 2006

Fair Trade

Based on a suggestion by Dr. Sanity, I have a further proposal for the illegal immigration debate. We have lots of people on the left who believe that the "undocumenteds" deserve citizenship. I think they should be allowed to give their citizenship to an immigrant, receiving citizenship in his country of origin in return.


  1. Anonymous9:50 PM

    Sorry Uncle, didnt want to be the one to tell you... but someone has to. You have become a rant and raver. Ouch, sorry

  2. Anonymous9:52 PM

    I'll buy that!

    I spent lunch at one of my favorite Mexican Restaurants where I know the owner. He had waited for almost 8 years to get his residency and then became a US citizen. He told me last week that anyone of his staff that took off would not have a job on Tuesday. I won't reveal his name or the restaurant because we live only 10 miles from the border in Deeeeeep South Texas... But AVI, if you ever come down this way, I'll take you there.

  3. Doug -

    and likely to get intermittently worse.

  4. Anonymous11:43 AM

    Sweet! and once that's legal, a market will spring up. People will pay big money to become Americans. What a nice way to fund your retirement. Work hard in America, and retire to a nice warm beach in Mexico.
    I love the free market!

  5. It's not a bad idea, but I don't think it will satisfy anyone. For one thing, imagine the types of people with a whole lot of money. Chinese druglords will be rolling into the USA - just like they did in Canada.

  6. doug w.: You have become a rant and raver.

    Awww laddy, that's narry a rant nor a rave! Ye be needin' to get out a bit more, I thinks.

    maxedoutmama: Chinese druglords will be rolling into the USA...

    Ouch, that is a drawback, isn't it?
