Thursday, December 08, 2005

Toxins as replacement for the Sin Concept

As the concept of sin has receded in American culture, the belief in body-poisons has grown. We are sure there is some pesticide, some hormone, some Frankenfood which is endangering us a little at a time, cumulatively eating away at our health. So many faddist health measures assure us that they flush various things from our bodies. We are walking bags of poisons inflicted on us by heartless corporations who only want to make money and don’t care what terrible things they do to us. Some conservation of belief in impurity seems in play here.

Also, it shows that we now value our body over our character.

Update: There is great similarity between extreme environmentlists and the early Puritans. Just a different target.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, it's new. Glad you stopped by. I had been hoping to catch you somewhere because I had a thought about your family at Thanksgiving giving you such grief. When I remember to use it, I have had some success reminding people that google and the internet let everyone fact check -- not just Republican blawwwgs. Even if they start out by trying to spear Donald Rumsfeld, doing the homework will eventually work in our favor.

    Google is going to change the MSM forever.

    I'm adding an update so you don't feel quite so busted. I hope.
